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Rottnest Island WA


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Rottnest Island beaches.

Rottnest Island WA has a large range of accommodation available, from premium accommodation with ocean views to basic camping and cabins.

For full information on the accommodation, it’s best to contact the island directly (08) 9432 9300. Accommodation is always at a premium, so be sure to book well in advance.

Rottnest Island Hotel

Things to see and do on Rottnest Island

   There is plenty to keep you occupied whilst on Rottnest. Check out the documents below to read about the great things Rottnest has to offer:          

I am looking for an adventure
I want to see the Island but am not much of a cyclist
I want to see the Rottnest Wildlife

Natural history of Rottnest Island WA

The island with a thousand stories…

The geographical history of Rottnest Island has been dominated by changes in sea level. These changes occurred either as sea water became trapped and released when ice sheets advanced and retreated, or as the land slowly rose and fell in response to changing stresses in the earth’s crust.

It is believed that Rottnest Island was separated from the mainland 7,000 years ago. The sea level rose, cutting the Island off from the land mass, and it is now the largest in a chain of islands (which includes Garden and Carnac Islands) on the continental shelf opposite Perth. These islands all are formed of limestone rocks with a thin covering of sand. The limestone base of Rottnest Island has an effect on all life on the Island, including the types of plants which can grow on it, the species of animals which can feed upon the plants, and the extent to which humans can make use of the Island.

Rottnest Island

Habitats and Salt Lakes

The Island has six major habitats: coastal, salt lakes, brackish swamps, woodlands, heath and settled areas. Salt lakes occupy ten per cent of the area of Rottnest Island. Many of them – including Lake Baghdad, Lake Vincent, Herschel Lake, Garden Lake, Government House Lake and Serpentine Lake – are permanent and have surrounding beaches. Other lakes such as Pink Lake, Lake Sirius, Lake Negri and the twin Pearse Lakes may dry out in summer.

Rottnest Coral Reefs

Rottnest Island Reefs - Country Airstrips Australia

The limestone coral reef surrounding Rottnest grew approximately 100,000 years ago when the sea level was thought to be at least three metres higher than the present day. This reef system is fed by the warm Leeuwin Current and provides a home to much of Rottnest’s marine life, as well as presenting a significant hazard for shipping.

Protect the Local Wildlife of Rottnest Island

Rottnest Island is an A-Class Reserve renowned for its high conservation and community values.

All plants and animals on Rottnest Island are protected by law. Wildlife should not be disturbed, rather observed from a reasonable distance.

Rottnest Island Quokka
A 6-month-old quokka

Interested in taking a Quokka selfie?  Please read this document first.  
How to take a quokka selfie 


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